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Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Setting your Huawei E220 in Ubuntu 

After much consideration I finally chose the road to immigrate from Windows XP to a Linux distro is Ubuntu 8.10, had thought about it in my mind how I use this OS without any software that I frequently use in XP such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office .. well although there has been Open Office but I am more comfortable using Microsoft Office, any thoughts in my mind I came to find solusinya.setelah COMFEST UI on 7 February 2009 yesterday software like Adobe and Office still can run well in Ubuntu using the device Crossofer software which serves for software like Microsoft Office, Adobe and other XP software can be installed and used properly in Ubuntu ..
UPss so deviates from the title nih .. : D but in this article I will discuss and inform to you that are uncertain and confused and afraid to immigrate USB modem Huawei E220 does not run on Linux, especially Ubuntu 8.10, do not be afraid because I have some fairly easy steps for the modem to used with perfect, good for you who use Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, AXIS or card from another operator.

       Install Huawei E220 on your Computer or Laptop and right-click the network icon in the toolbar on the right and select Edit Connection 

*network connection window pops up and select the tab mobile broadband 

*After that select the type of card you use, because I wear so I choose indosat indosat

*then will appear the window and the command to fill in user name password

Indosat 3.5 G user input the Numbers with * 99 # Username with indosat name and password and fill in APN with indosat indosat3g while Telkomsel flash users do not need to fill in your user name and password simply fill in APN with the Internet.

     * When it was all set to stay you click OK then ubuntu will ask for your user password like this

*Then click Authenticate and within seconds you can surf in the virtual world, good luck

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